Michael Jackson
29 augustus 1958 - 25 juni 2009
This is it...
Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary (Indiana), 29 augustus 1958) is een Amerikaanse popzanger. Hij geldt als een van de succesvolste artiesten van de 20e eeuw, zo niet de succesvolste. Jackson onderscheidt zich door zijn herkenbare castraatachtige zangstem, zijn typische dansbewegingen en zijn grote muzikale diversiteit.In zijn topperiode, het begin van de jaren '80, was Michael Jackson één van de grootste popsterren. Hij bereikte zijn grootste succes met het album Thriller, dat met bijna 108 miljoen verkochte exemplaren al meer dan 25 jaar geldt als het best verkochte album aller tijden. Jackson heeft wereldwijd meer dan 750 miljoen albums verkocht.
Jackson versterkt zijn muziek en imago met opvallende videoclips, waarin zijn ritmische dansstijl duidelijk tot uitdrukking komt. Een van de bekendste videoclips, die van Thriller, duurt maar liefst 18 minuten. Hij houdt sinds 1995 het record voor duurste muziekvideo. De clip voor zijn hitsingle Scream, een duet met zijn zus Janet Jackson, kostte maar liefst 7 miljoen dollar. De video, geregisseerd door Mark Romanek, kreeg een MTV Video Music Award in de categorie dance en een Grammy Award voor beste korte video. Karakteristiek voor de muziek van Michael Jackson is de stem en de in bijna alle nummers aanwezige sterke baslijn.
Naarmate de ster van Jackson rees, begon zijn populariteit echter te dalen. Mede als gevolg daarvan verschoof de aandacht in de media van zijn muziek naar het nogal excentrieke karakter van Jackson en zijn privéleven. Hij werd dikwijls afgeschilderd als iemand die totaal afgezonderd leefde van de 'grote-mensenwereld' en zijn tijd liever met kinderen en dieren doorbracht (het Peter Pan-syndroom).
Bron: Wikipedia.org
You're forever in my mind, my life my dreams
How could I ever forget you?
You were not only the greatest entertainer of all time but also
the most caring, kind human being on the planet.
Michael I miss you much...
How could I ever forget you?
You were not only the greatest entertainer of all time but also
the most caring, kind human being on the planet.
Michael I miss you much...
Op 5 mei 2011
om 21:19 getekend door:
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om 21:19 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
Can not get you out of my mind!
love you!
Can not get you out of my mind!
love you!
Op 3 mei 2011
om 15:31 getekend door:
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om 15:31 getekend door:
God know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!
Poem to the Earth
You are the grains of sand
kissed by the ocean waves on the beach.
You are the stars, sparkling like diamonds upon the black velvet sky.
You are the wind beneath the wings of the great eagle as it flies.
You are the rays of the sun as it warms the earth,
And kisses the face of the snow covered mountains.
You are the Gifted One.
You are the birds, the trees, the flowers,the animals and the fish in the sea.
You are the cotton candy clouds floating in the blue sky.
You are the lightning, the thunder, the rain, the snow.
You are your brothers keeper, because you are your brother.
You are One with all there is you see. For you are the gifted One.In this dream called "life."
RIP my dear Michael
Poem to the Earth
You are the grains of sand
kissed by the ocean waves on the beach.
You are the stars, sparkling like diamonds upon the black velvet sky.
You are the wind beneath the wings of the great eagle as it flies.
You are the rays of the sun as it warms the earth,
And kisses the face of the snow covered mountains.
You are the Gifted One.
You are the birds, the trees, the flowers,the animals and the fish in the sea.
You are the cotton candy clouds floating in the blue sky.
You are the lightning, the thunder, the rain, the snow.
You are your brothers keeper, because you are your brother.
You are One with all there is you see. For you are the gifted One.In this dream called "life."
RIP my dear Michael
Op 21 april 2011
om 15:25 getekend door:
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om 15:25 getekend door:
Loving you is so easy
Missing you is so d... hard
I listen to your music every day, and still can't believe it that you are really gone, Michael.
WHY??? GOD WHY??? have you taken Michael away from all of us.
RIP most lovely man in the world
Missing you is so d... hard
I listen to your music every day, and still can't believe it that you are really gone, Michael.
WHY??? GOD WHY??? have you taken Michael away from all of us.
RIP most lovely man in the world
Op 17 april 2011
om 7:52 getekend door:
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om 7:52 getekend door:
Michael was my first love
and he will be my last
His music is the future, his music is the past
To live without his music would be impossible to do
Because in this world of trouble
his music pulls me trough
For allways in my heart...
and he will be my last
His music is the future, his music is the past
To live without his music would be impossible to do
Because in this world of trouble
his music pulls me trough
For allways in my heart...
Op 13 april 2011
om 22:07 getekend door:
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om 22:07 getekend door:
Together again..!
with love xxx
with love xxx
Op 28 maart 2011
om 9:26 getekend door:
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om 9:26 getekend door:
Dear Michael.
Now that Elizabeth is passed away your dearest friend is with you now.
Still missing you after all this time...
I will never forget you, for allways in my heart.
Now that Elizabeth is passed away your dearest friend is with you now.
Still missing you after all this time...
I will never forget you, for allways in my heart.
Op 23 maart 2011
om 22:54 getekend door:
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om 22:54 getekend door:
Our beloved Peter Pan, I miss you, Neverland misses you, Tinkerbell misses you, we miss you so much..., it hurts!
Always in our heart
Always in our heart
Op 17 maart 2011
om 13:42 getekend door:
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om 13:42 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
Every day I miss you more, every day I love you more,
every day I will defend you
and try to explain people how they misunderstood you
I love you Michael, rest in peace
Every day I miss you more, every day I love you more,
every day I will defend you
and try to explain people how they misunderstood you
I love you Michael, rest in peace
Op 9 maart 2011
om 13:39 getekend door:
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om 13:39 getekend door:
For my dear Michael,
"My night has passed on the bed of sorrow and my eyes are tired, my heavy heart is not yet ready to meet morning with its crowded joys. Draw a veil over this naked light, beckon aside from me this glaring flash and dance of life, let the mantle of tender darkness cover me in its folds, and cover my pain awhile from the pressure of the world..." Rabindranath Tagore (your favorit poët)
"My night has passed on the bed of sorrow and my eyes are tired, my heavy heart is not yet ready to meet morning with its crowded joys. Draw a veil over this naked light, beckon aside from me this glaring flash and dance of life, let the mantle of tender darkness cover me in its folds, and cover my pain awhile from the pressure of the world..." Rabindranath Tagore (your favorit poët)
Op 1 maart 2011
om 12:14 getekend door:
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om 12:14 getekend door:
Yesterday, today and tomorrow..
I just can't stop thinking of you...
It's still so hard to beleive that you're gone...
But you're in my heart for ever..
Yesterday, today and tomorrow..
I just can't stop thinking of you...
It's still so hard to beleive that you're gone...
But you're in my heart for ever..
Op 21 februari 2011
om 22:54 getekend door:
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om 22:54 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
They say "Time will heal".
Why is the pain still there, I miss and love you so much.
The question "Why did you have to go?" is still there, I don't understand it why GOD take you away from all of us, I think that question will never be answered.
RIP sweatheart
They say "Time will heal".
Why is the pain still there, I miss and love you so much.
The question "Why did you have to go?" is still there, I don't understand it why GOD take you away from all of us, I think that question will never be answered.
RIP sweatheart
Op 18 februari 2011
om 7:35 getekend door:
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om 7:35 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
I still think of you every day!!
Miss you.
Love you
I still think of you every day!!
Miss you.
Love you
Op 10 februari 2011
om 18:20 getekend door:
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om 18:20 getekend door:
Dear MJJ,
Thinking of you is easy - I do it every day, missing you is the heartache, that never ever goes away. Mike you were so very special but your heart was broken by mean people. It still hurts so much they did that to you! But you are in a better place now, they can not hurt you anymore. I love you X
Thinking of you is easy - I do it every day, missing you is the heartache, that never ever goes away. Mike you were so very special but your heart was broken by mean people. It still hurts so much they did that to you! But you are in a better place now, they can not hurt you anymore. I love you X
Op 24 januari 2011
om 16:24 getekend door:
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om 16:24 getekend door:
I love you so much Michael.
I miss you deeply.
Gone too soon.
I miss you deeply.
Gone too soon.
Op 21 januari 2011
om 20:36 getekend door:
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om 20:36 getekend door:
Tell me how am I suppose to live without you
Now that 've been loving you so long
I just want some justice for what they put you trough
Thinking about your lovely kids
You're in my heart for ever
Tell me how am I suppose to live without you
Now that 've been loving you so long
I just want some justice for what they put you trough
Thinking about your lovely kids
You're in my heart for ever
Op 20 januari 2011
om 21:26 getekend door:
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om 21:26 getekend door:
Dearest Michael,
I'm am sure, God is on your side and on the side of your family... I feel so deeply for your mother, who has to go trough it all again. I will pray for her and your childeren.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
I love you so deeply...Marianne
I'm am sure, God is on your side and on the side of your family... I feel so deeply for your mother, who has to go trough it all again. I will pray for her and your childeren.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
I love you so deeply...Marianne
Op 6 januari 2011
om 12:25 getekend door:
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om 12:25 getekend door:
Lieve Michael,
We missen je, je was zo onwijs goed. En zo lief.
I like the way how you look and dance and sing, you're only the best ever!
Je bent en blijft in ons hart!!!
xxx Judith
We missen je, je was zo onwijs goed. En zo lief.
I like the way how you look and dance and sing, you're only the best ever!
Je bent en blijft in ons hart!!!
xxx Judith
Op 5 januari 2011
om 20:02 getekend door:
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om 20:02 getekend door:
Dear Michael,
nog steeds kan ik niet geloven dat je niet meer op deze aardbol rondloopt,~danst en ~zingt!
was in Euro Disney en zie jou dan in "3D". GEWELDIG!
het ga je goed, Michael. er gaat bijna geen dag voorbij zonder aan je te denken. dank je wel voor alles!
nog steeds kan ik niet geloven dat je niet meer op deze aardbol rondloopt,~danst en ~zingt!
was in Euro Disney en zie jou dan in "3D". GEWELDIG!
het ga je goed, Michael. er gaat bijna geen dag voorbij zonder aan je te denken. dank je wel voor alles!
Op 5 januari 2011
om 10:07 getekend door:
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om 10:07 getekend door:
Listening to the song 'Smile'...
and I know I need to smile though my heart is breaking but it's so hard because I'm still missing you...
Listening to the song 'Smile'...
and I know I need to smile though my heart is breaking but it's so hard because I'm still missing you...
Op 3 januari 2011
om 22:43 getekend door:
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om 22:43 getekend door:
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